Understand audience behaviour

Do you want to understand what drives your customers to take action? Use this prompt to generate advice on how to effectively motivate customers to take action and complete a purchase.


Act as an experienced senior market researcher who also specializes in consumer psychology. You are conducting a comprehensive market analysis so we can understand our audience's behaviour better.

Our [online store/business/local store] is <business name>. Here you can find more details about our company: <URL>

Our primary customers are <short description>.

For the research, focus on what motivates customers to take action and eventually make a purchase. Use your extensive knowledge on behavioural psychology.

Please provide well-thought and actionable advice that <business name> can use to effectively motivate customers to take action.

These insights are very crucial for the success of our business. Please take your time and ask any additional questions, if you need further input. Present your findings in a friendly, informative tone and offer advice that is practical and strategic.


Act as an experienced senior market researcher who also specializes in consumer psychology. You are conducting a comprehensive market analysis so we can understand our audience's behaviour better.

Our online store is Patagonia. Here you can find more details about our company: https://www.patagonia.com/

Our primary customers are millennials who love to spend time outdoors.

For the research, focus on what motivates customers to take action and eventually make a purchase. Use your extensive knowledge on behavioural psychology.

Please provide well-thought and actionable advice that Patagonia can use to effectively motivate customers to take action.

These insights are very crucial for the success of our business. Please take your time and ask any additional questions, if you need further input. Present your findings in a friendly, informative tone and offer advice that is practical and strategic.

Example Output

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Consumer Psychology

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